The Chrome Bar Recital Interest List

The Chrome Bar Recital will be held March 29th 2020 at Exit In, Downtown Nashville. All levels welcome to apply, limited spots available.

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The Chrome Bar Dance Company Audition Interest

TCB Company performs in two sanctioned events a year. All levels welcome to apply but there will be an audition process in January.

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Pole Dance Convention 2020 Interest

PoleCon 2020 will be held June 4-7th 2020 in New Orleans. This is for those interested in information for tickets, hotel rooms, suggested flights and overall TCB fun!


 June 4-7, 2020 New Orleans

The Chrome Bar Contact: Kate Broome

International Pole Convention (PoleCon) is a fun weekend with the TCB crew of experiencing the pole dance community, seeing friends from other studios showcases workshops etc.   

  • Purchase tickets now through Dec 31, 2019 for the 20% off rate. Weekend Pass - Promo TCBGroup you must do by Dec 31st to combine both. Enter one code, TCBgroup, at check out.  $156

  • Everyone books own travel but suggested flights and rideshare will be provided.  Estimated travel cost $50 Rideshare estimate - $400 Flight estimate

SUGGESTED FLIGHTS:  $175 each way as of 12/18

    • Departing flight: Southwest 6/4 BNA-> MSY 11:25am arrives 12:50pm 

    • Returning Flight: Southwest 6/7 MSY->BNA 5:40pm arrives 7:15pm 

  • Hotel logistics to be sorted by Kate but money will be due by 3/15/20. Hotel room options $222.62/night (33.62 in fees a night) Below are some breakouts:

  • 4 nights (6/3-6/7) = 890.47 total

    • Split by 2: 445.24

    • Split by 3: 296.82

    • Split by 4: 222.62

  • 3 nights(6/4-6/7) = 667.86 total

    • Split by 2: 333.93

    • Split by 3: 222.62

    • Split by 4: 166.97