Is it your first time taking class and YOU ARE FREAKING OUT?
Well relax, you’re going to love it.
Where do I Park?
We are located at the back of the building. Please take the driveway to the right of the building all the way back. Overflow parking is in the front.
What do I wear?
We suggest leggings, slim stretchy pants or shorts- a tank or top. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and ready! Pole Tops and Bottoms works too! For your safety please make sure nothing super baggy and please don’t wear lotion or body oil!
What about this heels business?
Heels are never required for class. If you do want to use this beautiful apparatus we recommend you take a few classes without them to build ankle strength. When you’re ready we recommend 6 or 7 inch heels- please Pleaser or Ellie brand only NO STREET HEELS. We can always take orders if a few catch your eye!
I have no upper body strength/ What if i’m not “strong” ?
Here at The Chrome Bar we welcome all bodies and want what’s most comfortable. We know that everyone comes in on a different level. Grip Strength and other abilities come with time and practice - and we are ready to help you get there! We will always accommodate moves and instruction to fit your body and level. Plus, it’s just basics you won’t need all that yet ;)
Is there a weight limit?
Nope! All of our poles are professionally installed into the ceiling and floor and are competition grade x-poles.
What else do I need?
A water bottle to fill up.
Oops traffic/work was crazy and I can’t make it! Now what?
Bummer! Make sure you use your app to cancel at least 6 hours in advance to save your credits.